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Home pet care

  • Home pet care

    Home pet care

    People take care of their looks and hygiene on a daily basis and this should be no different for our pets. As us, they also have natural ways to keep good health and appearances but there are some things that one can do for home pet care to help your furry friend along the way. They are an extension to the family and should be treated as one and one way to show your love towards your dog is to begin with home pet care. There a few simple things every dog owner can do that won’t take up much time and go a long way.

    Home pet care

    Home pet care can be done on a daily basis. A little part of our day can be spent on our pets, if they had the choice they would be by our side 24/7. Brushing your pets coat as often as possible is a good start as far as home pet care is concerned. This will not only assist your pet with in stimulating natural oil production but also distribute these oil throughout the coat. This will also rid any debris built up in the coat and also prevent hair loss in the house which the whole family will appreciate.

    Home pet care Concluded

    When taking on the duties of home pet care another important factor not to disregard is the treatment of parasites such as fleas and ticks. This is not only something that can have serious consequences for your pet but can also again affect the whole family. Every pet owner can ask a vet or get the assistance of a professional groomer which can minimize your home pet care duties. Enjoy your home pet care time with your pets and see this as a time to bond. For any more home pet care tips or services you can give PetzRush a call on 012-345 6272 / 073 746 5671.

    For more information on Home pet care please contact PetzRush Pet travel :

    L: +27 12 345 6272

    C: +27 73 746 5671

    E: +27 78 920 5309

    Email us on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Home pet care

    Home pet care





Contact details:

Telephone:  +27 12 345 6272

Cell:  +27 73 746 5671

Emergency line: +27 78 920 5309

For further contact details

    Trading hours

Mondays to Fridays:  

9am – 6pm

Saturdays: 8am – 4pm

Sundays: 9am – 3pm